

The mission of this Committee is to make recommendations to operationalize the ACCA Standards 5 and 9 (Quality Installation and Performance Verification) within California Investor-Owned Utilities and other state-wide municipal utilities Residential Quality Installation (RQI) energy efficiency programs.  Recommend and support research efforts to help establish meaningful and accurate residential performance baseline performance from which IOU claimed savings calculations would be determined.  Tackle each key barrier to adoption of RQI with increased state agency, IOU and industry collaboration.


2016-2017 SMART Goal Topics

  1. Develop a 2016-17 communication plan to communicate RQI needs to influence policy and implementation
  2. Assist in the integration of RQI and Whole House while protecting the integrity of QI fundamentals
  3. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested
Click here to view the Committee's Implementation Plans.

Reporting Structure and Committee Status

The Residential Quality Installation Committee reports to the Executive Committee. To see the complete WHPA organization chart, click here.

Buck Taylor (Roltay, Inc.) is the Chair of this Committee. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please email Bob Sundberg of the WHPA Staff Support by clicking here

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Home Upgrade

To access all CPUC posted documents related to the Home Upgrade program, go to energydataweb.com/cpuc/search.aspx and put "Home Upgrade" (exact text) in lower left side search box.  The documents can be viewed online and/or downloaded.
Copyright 2017 by Western HVAC Performance Alliance