Commercial Quality Installation Committee


Chair: Rob Falke (National Comfort Institute)

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Create a performance-driven definition for (commercial) efficient HVAC installations
  2. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested

Working Group: CQI Standardized Field Data Spec and Performance Evaluation Method

Chair: Pete Jacobs (BuildingMetrics, Inc.)

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Establish technician data collection protocol to align with EM&V approach

Commercial Quality Maintenance Committee


Chair: Don Langston (Aire Rite AC & Refrigeration)

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. In light of AB 802, define key performance indicators for CQM and translate into customer value propositions
  2. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested
  3. Provide review and input into IOU CQM work paper

Working Group: Standard 180 User Manual

Chair: Dale Rossi (Field Diagnostic Services, Inc.)

2016 SMART Goal Topic:

  1. Develop a draft outline of a scope of the Standard 180 User Manual for submission to ASHRAE

Compliance Committee


Chair: Bob Barks (CALBO)

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Provide Input into Compliance Components of SB350
  2. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested
  3. Define Compliance Definition Matrix

Council of Advisors


Chair: Dominick Guarino (National Comfort Institute)
Vice Chair: Mark Meyers (CALBO)

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested

Working Group: Policy and Legislative Communications

Chair: TBD

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Define and Implement Effective and Timely Communication Channels and Feedback Loop Mechanisms for Policy and Legislative Issues

Existing Building Energy Efficiency Action Plan Committee


Co-Chair: Barbara Hernesman (CalCERTS, Inc.)
Co-Chair: TBD

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Continuation and Extension of EBEE Goals
  2. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested

Fault Detection and Diagnostics Committee


Co-Chairs: Sean Gouw (Southern California Edison) & Joe Schmutzler (Transformative Wave)

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Identify FDD technology opportunities for new IOU program energy savings and incentives
  2. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested
  3. Define FDD open data specifications for product development and integration

HVAC Energy Savings Committee


Chair: TBD

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Improve baseline for AB802
  2. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested
  3. Engage WHPA in discussions with Commission and others on policies related to cost effectiveness

Residential Quality Installation Committee


Chair: Jeff Henning (Mechanical Systems Design & Consulting)

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Develop a 2016-17 communication plan to communicate RQI needs to influence policy and implementation
  2. Assist in the integration of RQI and Whole House while protecting the integrity of QI fundamentals
  3. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested

Workforce Education & Training / Sector Strategy Committee


Co-Chair: Jake Huttner (Southern California Edison)
Co-Chair: TBD

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Continue supporting HVAC CQM/CQI Sector Strategy including continuation of Whole Building Education career lattice focusing on incumbent workers
  2. Provide input into appropriate business plans as requested

Working Group: Whole Building Career Lattice

Chair: Chris Compton (

2016 SMART Goal Topics:

  1. Develop career lattice

Copyright 2016 by Western HVAC Performance Alliance